Almost Ready to Pre-Register! (And other good stuff)

Remember, there are quite a few items now whose deadlines have come upon us. As you have seen, June 27 is a major one. Be sure you’ve been keeping up with your checklists. These are due now!

  • Complete Academic Road Map Phase #1 (Deadline: June 27, 2024)
  • Submit your Housing Preference Form (Deadline: June 27, 2024)
  • Religious & Spiritual Life Survey (Deadline: June 27, 2024)
  • Update Parent/Guardian Contact Info (Deadline: June 27, 2024)  

A final June 27 deadline…If you need to register for accommodations or believe you have a disability, information can be found on the “Accessibility Services & Accommodations” page of the online New Student Orientation platform (in the Academics section). If you would like to request accommodations, be sure to complete the Disability Notification and Accommodation Request Form as soon as possible. You can also email the office at with any questions.

So what’s next?

Pre-registration and more housekeeping items of which to take care. Soon, you’ll be able to start choosing courses for the fall. This is a step for which I know many of you have been waiting. Just remember to be methodical…check out department websites, look at general education courses for exploration, and be open minded. Wesleyan may have academic surprises you never imagined were available, so look out for them.

  • Health Forms and Immunization Records (Deadline: July 5, 2024)
  • Upload Final Transcripts (Deadline: July 5, 2024)
  • WesCard Photo Submission (Deadline: July 5, 2024)
  • Course Pre-Registration (Opens July 8, 2024, Ends July 25, 2024)

Please continue to work through the orientation app for completing the checklists!

    Finally, did you see the post about the First Year Reading? If not, please be sure to check out and get prepared! It’s called Braiding Sweetgrass, and you’ll be expected to read it this summer.